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Your kind words echoed in my head as I prepared for and underwent the surgery on Friday. Thank you so very much! I felt "warm and fuzzy," and rather special... it could not have gone more smoothly! I brought the scent of lavender into the room I occupy in the house and I found what I believe to be a piece of jade on a green silk string, which I wore until I was asked to exchange my clothing for hospital gowns. I believe the piece of jade was given to me by one of my two sisters - one who is struggling to get her life on track. I decided that wearing something from her might somehow strengthen our relationship as it helps me heal.
~ Jeanne

Angel Readings​

and Pet Communication

What can I expect from an angel reading?
An angel reading provides you with guidance and direction for your life. It can also give you an insight to your future, based on the path that you are currently following. I will relay the messages from the angels for answers to questions that you may have.
What are the benefits of having an angel reading?
An angel reading will give you clarity and guidance for every aspect of your life. An angel reading can leave you feeling happier, more peaceful and confident.
What kind of questions can I ask the angels?

You can ask the angels about any aspect of your life, such as your work, health, relationships or life purpose. There is no need to be afraid of the information that you may receive from an angel reading as the angels always provide information that is filled with love and light and is for your highest good.

How long does a reading last?

A reading can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of questions that you have. In most cases, I would recommend a 1 hour reading - at least for your first reading. After a reading you may find yourself yawning or burping. That is normal. You are releasing energy. Many people will take a nap after a reading.

Why do I need to ask the angels for their help?

We all have angels around us, however because we all of free will, we need to ask the angels to help us. The angels will not intervene without your permission, unless in a life threatening situation when it is not your time to go.

How can you give readings by phone or email?

When I give a reading, I connect with the spirit world. The connection is the same whether it be by phone, email or in person.

Communicating with your animals who have crossed Rainbow Bridge

Please email me a photo of your pet in an email 2 days before a reading. Many times your animal will bring forward information from loved ones who wish to speak to you as well.

Communicating with a sick or rescue dog

Please email me what dis-ease your companion pet may have. I will recommend specific crystals that will help your animal. In addition to doing angel readings, I am a Master Reiki Practitioner. If you live in the Tri-Cities I will come to your home and work with your pet.

Angel Readings

Dear Karen,

Thank you for the time, energy, and light you have shared with me in past angel readings. I am fascinated how sometimes you were able to just tell me what I needed to know and other times you were able to guide me through my own intuition and gave me the confidence to follow in my personal beliefs.  The times you have simply, in the middle of a conversation, shared that my dad was proud of me has made the biggest impact on me believing in myself. Your touch on my life has brought positive change for both me and my family.  Thank you for sharing your gifts.


and Pet Communication

Buy Now
I charge $60 per hour for Angel Readings and Pet Communication


In addition to doing angel readings I teach classes to help you learn how to connect with your angels daily.


  1. How to speak to your Grounding, Protecting, and Speaking Angels.

  2. Creating a Manifestation journal for the year.

  3. Creating a Dream Board

  4. Dream Journals

  5. How to connect with the Fairies by creating a Fairy House

  6. Guided Meditation

  7. Selenite Wand Class and how to use it.

  8. Fairy parties for children or adults

For more information on classes and for prices, please email me .

Angel-godesses at my Selenite Wand class!


We had a sacred and beautiful experience working with the crystals in the loving energy and guidance of angels. Each wand was unique and powerful!

I had an amazing time! The energy was so peacful and loving and I got the message that "me time" and self care are what I need to focus on. I also learned how to use my wand to clear chakras and have used it in my healing really works!

~ Crystal

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