Karen Nicksich
| author | angel reader | pet communicator
The Time of My Life is a must read for anyone seeking greater awareness and understanding of life purpose,( esp. that of pets and animals), and the afterlife of spirit. The tranquil state of mindfulness from the opening meditation and scenario were the perfect setting to begin this vibrant, mystical, spiritual experience. This book is a gift of wisdom for both the younger and older generations to take to heart, and to treasure. Reinforced lessons on gratitude, kindness, love, and light,-- plus the beautiful illustrations are added blessings.
Namaste. Denise Sisitki
The Time of My Life
Now Available at
Barnes & Noble and Amazon
The Time of My Life is the story about a young girl named Anna who lives with her family at the Lilac Doggie Rescue Ranch. With the help of Duke the Great Dane, Anna and the animals at the ranch learn about the importance of “Divine Time” and being “grateful” as they celebrate the life and passing of one of their dearest friends, an aging Golden Retriever named Dante. The story is told through the wisdom and love of angels, a Wise Old Tree, and the many animals living at the ranch. This book is appropriate for anyone who has lost a companion animal and to help children better understand the passing of a pet.
Life Lessons of a Rescue Dog
Life Lessons of a Rescue Dog is a must for any family who is thinking of adopting a dog. This book is geared for young children. Otis a rescue dog gives the reader practical advice for every member of your family. Beautiful photos throughout the book will engage the family with conversations. In addition to this book you will receive an interactive card game called Pets Teach Us. The card game reinforces the main concepts of the book. The card game comes with 24 cards with instructions on the back of the cover. Life Lessons of a Rescue Dog & Pets Teach Us card game is great center for any classroom teacher who is teaching a unit on pets.
The Tails of Maddie
The Tales of Maddie
By Karen Nicksich
“Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary day, LOVE will leap into your life.”
The tale of Maddie begins on a farm in Oregon where she lives with a family, 10 Golden Retrievers, pigs and a llama. Maddie spends her day dreaming of falling in love and moving to Paris. The only problem is that Maddie was born with a pink tail. Many people who come to the farm do not want a dog that looks different. It doesn’t matter to Maddie because she knows that she is beautiful just the way she is.
Join Maddie in this fun-filled book where she discovers her life purpose and acceptance with the family who adopts her. Maddie unleashes kindness and love wherever she goes. The road to Maddie’s heart is paved with paw prints and a pink tail.
Discover what your life’s purpose is after reading this children’s book.
Photo Credit: Bill Watts Photography
Earth Angels
Earth Angels is a book about specially-abled children. This book contains nine narratives of families who share the joys and challenges of living with a child that has above average needs. These personal stories will help the reader understand the love, frustration and lessons they have learned from their children. This book ask the question if spirituality plays a role raising a specially-abled child. At the end of Earth Angels the reader has the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned from these families. Does spirituality plays a role in your life? This book contains beautiful photographs taken by Scott Butner. Earth Angels is appropriate for anyone one going into social work, education or counseling.