Karen Nicksich
| author | angel reader | pet communicator
Latest Book Project
Do you have a “special needs” child that has brought you great joy along with their challenges?
Do you have a story of life changing love as a result of being a parent with a differently abled child?
Are you ready to share the gifts your “disabled” child has brought into your life?
The process begins with a free photo shoot in April. Please make note of the following details for the photo shoot.
There are only 8 slots available for the shoot, so please connect with me today.
Click the button below to schedule your session now. I will call you to confirm the exact time of your session.
Mother’s Day Photo Shoot
Saturday, April 8, 2017
9:00 am-1:30 pm
Scott Butner’s Photography Studio
450 Williams Blvd, Suite A
Richland, WA 99352
(wheelchair accessible)
Have a beautiful picture taken at no charge with your son or daughter.
These photos will be in black and white. One copy will go in the book and you will receive a copy for Mother’s Day.
Join author Karen Nicksich and be a part of this groundbreaking narrative as she shares her own story of love and hope, pain and joy, with her own special needs child. Karen's daughter, Rachel was born with ectodermal dysplasia, a condition that can cause abnormal development of skin, hair, nails, teeth or sweat glands. In raising her daughter, Karen and her family experienced the heartache of feeling different, being teased, and constant medical issues. But through this journey, Karen also became aware of the gifts of Love, patience, compassion, and Joy that her Earth Angel daughter was teaching her.
Now, Karen is writing a book celebrating and honoring the gifts that special needs children have incarnated to share with the world! This book has already been picked up by Hay House, the nation's leading new thought and self-help publisher. Hay House is the publisher of books by world-famous authors such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay and Doreen Virtue!
Timeline for the book
First photo shoot -
Mother’s Day Photo Shoot
Saturday, April 8, 2017
9:00 am-1:30 pm
Scott Butner’s Photography Studio
450 Williams Blvd, Suite A
Richland, WA 99352
(wheelchair accessible)
Have a beautiful picture taken at no charge with your son or daughter.
These photos will be in black and white. One copy will go in the book and you will receive a copy for Mother’s Day.
Second photoshoot - June 2017 (day TBD)
This will be a photo shoot for children and young adults. Please wear very BRIGHT colors. This will be a color shot. You will get a copy of this photo after the book comes out.
Interviews - August 2017
Interviews will be scheduled with parents that are selected from our survey.
Mid-March of 2018 the manuscript and photos will be submitted to Hay House. The turnaround time is between 3-4 months.
June/July 2018 - Book published and launched!